Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stella Farwell art opening at Art Modern Gallery, Naples, FL.

Stella Farwell will be having a solo show at Art Modern Gallery in Naples, Florida. The show, entitled "Transitions" will be on view from February 6, 2010 until February 20th. There will be an artist "meet and greet" on February 6, 2010 from 5-7PM.

If you are in the Naples area please stop by and check out the opening.

You can see more information here.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The artwork of Thomas Campbell.

Thomas Campbell is one of my favorite artists. He has a world that he has created through characters and language that is quiet and beautiful, but slightly haunting at the same time. His line quality and his color palette is impeccable. Wether he is making surf and skate films, painting, or creating mixed media art pieces it always has a specific look that is completely his own.

His work is part of the Beautiful Losers show and he has played a good part in the skateboard/snowboard/surf industry for many years.

You can see more of his work here and here.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The artwork of Tracy Silva Barbosa.

I was introduced to the artwork of Tracy Silva Barbosa back in 2007. My friend passed along her information and I went to see her work for myself. Barbosa's works are multi-layered collages incorporating precious metals, layers of paint and transferred images to create lush, textural spaces. I am especially fond of her injection of architectural structures into nature settings.

You can see more of her work here.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A few of my favorite things.

This May will mark the two year anniversary of the passing of Robert Rauschenberg. Rauschenberg has had a huge impact on why I am an artist. His compositional ideas make perfect sense to me. He put structure in chaos and it became silent and perfect. He could take trash and reconfigure it to make it art. He saw beauty where others saw nothing. A quote that struck me hard was "Art is everywhere". I believe this is true if you keep your eyes open and mind free. Here are a few of his pieces that are a reminder of how great his work is.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jim Bryson "The North Side Benches"

I am going to start adding music to my blog for 2010. I was recently introduced to the music of Jim Bryson through the Weakerthans website and I am happy that I did! Before heading out for a solo career he was in Kathleen Edwards'
band. His sound is honest and unique. Maybe easy to categorize as indie folk with a country tinge. I am excited to hear the Weakerthans/Jim Bryson album coming out sometime this year. Should be a great collaboration.

You can check out Brysons' work here and here.