Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The collage artwork of Randel Plowman.

I was approached last year about being involved in a book about collage artists. The curator behind the book is Randel Plowman and he has an interesting blog titled "a collage a day" in which he has a new collage everyday of the year. They are all for sale and most of them are sold out.

As everyone keeps reminding us of the bad economy and that art is a great investment here is a perfect example to get original artwork at a great price.

I handed in all of my work for the book in early January of this year and it has a release date of late Spring 2010. I will post more information as it gets closer to the release date.

I am very excited to see the different artists that will be involved. So far I know that Cecil Touchon is involved. He is in an earlier post on my blog that you can see here.

For more of Randel's work please go here or here.

"Windy Day"


"Till Then"

"The Town"

"Strike Zone"

"Secret Box"



"Crown Of Love"

"Come To Be"

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for the Blog

    Greetings from creativity and imagination pictures of Jose Ramon
